Developer Documentation
Core Class Reference

#include <OpenFlipper/Core/Core.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Core:

Public Slots

scriptable slots

Get a Pointer to the Plugin with given _name (if it is loaded)

void updateView ()
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
void blockScenegraphUpdates (bool _block)
 Called when a plugin wants to lock or unlock scenegraph updates.
void updateUI ()
 process events during script execution to keep the ui alive
void clearAll ()
 Clear all data objects.
void deleteObject (int _id)
 Called to delete an object.
void setObjectComment (int objId, QString key, QString comment)
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
void clearObjectComment (int objId, QString key)
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
void clearAllComments (int objId)
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
void fullscreen (bool _state)
 set fullscreen mode
void showViewModeControls (bool _show)
 Show or Hide the viewmode control widget.
void loggerState (int _state)
 Change the logging window state.
void enableOpenMeshErrorLog (bool _state)
 Enable or disable OpenMesh error logging.
void showToolbox (bool _state)
 Show or hide toolbox.
void showStatusBar (bool _state)
 Show or hide Status Bar.
void multiViewMode (int _mode)
 Switch the multiView Mode.
void restrictFrameRate (bool _enable)
 Enable or disable framerate restriction.
void setMaxFrameRate (int _rate)
 set the maximal framerate ( automatically enables framerate restriction )
void snapshotBaseFileName (QString _fname, unsigned int _viewerId=0)
void snapshotFileType (QString _type, unsigned int _viewerId=0)
 Set the file type for snapshots.
void snapshotCounterStart (const int _counter, unsigned int _viewerId=0)
 Set the start index for the snapshot counter.
void snapshot (unsigned int _viewerId=0, int _width=0, int _height=0, bool _alpha=false, bool _hideCoordsys=false, int _numSamples=1)
void applicationSnapshot ()
 Take a snapshot from the whole app.
void applicationSnapshotName (QString _name)
 Set the baseName for the application snapshot.
void viewerSnapshot ()
 Take a snapshot from all viewers.
void viewerSnapshot (QString file_name, bool store_comments, bool comments_visible_only, bool comments_targeted_only, bool store_material_info, int snapshot_width, int snapshot_height, bool snapshot_transparent, bool hide_coord_sys, int snapshot_multisampling, bool store_view)
 Scriptable snapshot method offering full control.
void resizeViewers (int _width, int _height)
 resize the examinerViewer
void resizeApplication (int _width, int _height)
 resize the whole Application
void writeVersionNumbers (QString _filename)
 write the current versions of all plugins to ini file
QList< int > objectList (QString _selection, QStringList _types)
 return the list of available object that has the given selection and type
void blockSceneGraphUpdates ()
 Block the scenegraph updates.
void unblockSceneGraphUpdates ()
 Unblock the scenegraph updates.
void setView (QString view)
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
void setViewAndWindowGeometry (QString view)
 Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer. More...
Scripting functions for controlling view modes
void addViewModeToolboxes (QString _modeName, QString _toolboxList)
 Scripting function to set toolboxes in a view mode. More...
void addViewModeToolbars (QString _modeName, QString _toolbarList)
 Scripting function to set toolbars in a view mode. More...
void addViewModeContextMenus (QString _modeName, QString _contextMenuList)
 Scripting function to set context menus in a view mode. More...
void addViewModeIcon (QString _modeName, QString _iconName)
 Scripting function to set an icon for a view mode. More...
void setToolBoxSide (QString _side)
 Scripting function to set the side of the main window on which the toolbox should be displayed. More...
void setToolBoxActive (QString _toolBoxName, bool _active)
 Scripting function to activate or deactivate a toolbox. More...
Load / Save slots
bool saveObject (int _id, QString _filename)
 Save an object. More...
void saveObject (int _id, QString _filename, int _pluginID)
void saveObjects (IdList _ids, QString _filename, int _pluginID)
bool saveObjectTo (int _id, QString _filename)
bool saveObjectsTo (IdList _ids, QString _filename)
void saveAllObjects ()
 Slot for saving objects from Menu. More...
void saveAllObjectsTo ()
 Slot for saving objects to a new location. More...
void saveSettings ()
 Save current status to a settings file. Solicit file name through dialog. More...
void saveSettings (QString filePath, bool is_saveObjectInfo, bool is_targetOnly, bool is_saveAll, bool is_askOverwrite, bool is_saveProgramSettings, bool is_savePluginSettings)
 Save current status to a the provided settings file.
void loadObject ()
 Open Load Widget. More...
void loadSettings ()
 Load status from file. More...
void loadSettings (QString _filename)
 Load status from file. More...
int getObjectId (QString _filename)
 Get object id from filename.
void deserializeMaterialProperties (int _objId, QString _props)
 Serialize material properties. More...
QString serializeMaterialProperties (int _objId)
 Serialize material properties. More...
Exit functions
void exitApplication ()
 exit the current application
void exitFailure ()
 Aborts the application with an error code. More...
void finishSplash ()
 exit the current application


Signals send to Plugins
void allCleared ()
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void signalObjectUpdated (int)
 When this Signal is emitted all Plugins are informed that the object list changed.
void signalObjectUpdated (int, const UpdateType &)
 When this Signal is emitted all Plugins are informed that some type of update was performed on an object.
void PluginWheelEvent (QWheelEvent *, const std::string &)
 When this Signal is emitted when a Wheel Event occures.
void PluginMouseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
 When this Signal is emitted when a Mouse Event occures.
void PluginMouseEventLight (QMouseEvent *)
 Emitted when an light event occurs.
void objectSelectionChanged (int)
 This signal is emitted if the object has been changed (source/target)
void pluginViewChanged ()
 This signal is emitted if one of the viewers updated its view.
void pluginSceneDrawn ()
 This signal is emitted after the scene has been drawn.
void addTexture (QString, QString, uint, int)
 The texture with the given name and filename has been added.
void addTexture (QString, QString, uint)
 The texture with the given name and filename has been added.
void addMultiTexture (QString _textureGroup, QString _name, QString _filename, int _id, int &_textureId)
 The texture with the given name and filename has been added.
void updateTexture (QString, int)
 Tell the plugins to update the given texture.
void updateAllTextures ()
 Update all textures in the plugins.
void updatedTextures (QString, int)
 This Signal is send to the plugins if a texture has been updated.
void setTextureMode (QString _textureName, QString _mode, int _id)
 A texture mode should be changed.
void setTextureMode (QString _textureName, QString _mode)
 A texture mode should be changed.
void switchTexture (QString, int)
 Switch Texture Plugins to a given Mode.
void switchTexture (QString)
 Switch Texture Plugins to a given Mode.
void textureChangeImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image)
 Change the image for a given texture.
void textureChangeImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image, int _id)
 Change the image for a given texture.
void textureGetImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image)
 fetch texture image
void textureGetImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image, int _id)
 fetch texture image
void textureIndex (QString _textureName, int _id, int &_index)
 get the texture index
void textureIndexPropertyName (int _id, QString &_propertyName)
 get the texture index property name
void textureName (int _id, int _textureIndex, QString &_textureName)
 get the texture name
void textureFilename (int _id, QString _textureName, QString &_textureFilename)
 get the texture's filename
void getCurrentTexture (int _id, QString &_textureName)
 get current texture
void getSubTextures (int _id, QString _multiTextureName, QStringList &_subTextures)
 get a multi-texture's sub textures
void addSelectionEnvironment (QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, QString &_handleName)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a new toolbutton should be added.
void registerType (QString _handleName, DataType _type)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a data type should be registered for a selection mode.
void addPrimitiveType (QString _handleName, QString _name, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType &_typeHandle)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a selection plugin should handle a new primitive type.
void addCustomSelectionMode (QString _handleName, QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes, QString &_customIdentifier)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a custom selection mode is added.
void addCustomSelectionMode (QString _handleName, QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes, QString &_customIdentifier, DataType _objectTypeRestriction)
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void addSelectionOperations (QString _handleName, QStringList _operationsList, QString _category, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _type)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is used to add non-interactive operations for a specific primitive type.
void selectionOperation (QString _operation)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a non-interactive operation has been performed.
void showToggleSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard toggle selection is required.
void showLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard lasso selection is required.
void showVolumeLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard volume lasso selection is required.
void showSurfaceLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard surface lasso selection is required.
void showSphereSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard sphere selection is required.
void showClosestBoundarySelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard closest boundary selection is required.
void showFloodFillSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard flood fill selection is required.
void showComponentsSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard connected components selection is required.
void toggleSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard toggle selection has been performed.
void lassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard lasso selection has been performed.
void volumeLassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard volume lasso selection has been performed.
void surfaceLassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard surface lasso selection has been performed.
void sphereSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, double _radius, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard sphere selection has been performed.
void closestBoundarySelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard closest boundary selection has been performed.
void floodFillSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, double _maxAngle, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard flood fill selection has been performed.
void componentsSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when standard connected components selection has been performed.
void customSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, QString _customIdentifier, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a custom selection operation has been performed.
void getActiveDataTypes (SelectionInterface::TypeList &_types)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when the active (selected) data types should be fetched.
void getActivePrimitiveType (SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType &_type)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when the active (selected) primitive type should be fetched.
void targetObjectsOnly (bool &_targetsOnly)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted if the current target restriction state is requested.
void loadSelection (const INIFile &_file)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a selection should be loaded from a file.
void saveSelection (INIFile &_file)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a selection should be written into a file.
void registerKeyShortcut (int _key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a type selection plugin wants to listen to a key event.
void keyShortcutEvent (int _key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
 SelectionInterface: This signal is emitted when a key shortcut has been pressed.
void iniLoad (INIFile &, int)
 If an ini File is opened, this signal is send to Plugins capable of handling ini files.
void iniSave (INIFile &_ini, int _id)
 This signal is used to tell the plugins to save the data of _id to the given file.
void iniSaveOptions (INIFile &_ini)
 This signal is used to tell the plugins to save their current status.
void iniLoadOptions (INIFile &_ini)
 This signal is used to tell the plugins to load their new status.
void iniLoadOptionsLast (INIFile &_ini)
 This signal is used to tell the plugins to load their new status after objects are loaded.
void saveOnExit (INIFile &_ini)
 This signal is emitted before the core deletes its data and exits.
void createBackup (int _objectid, QString _name, UpdateType _type=UPDATE_ALL)
 Tell backup-plugin to create a backup.
void createBackup (IdList _objectids, QString _name, std::vector< UpdateType > _types)
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void undo (int _objectid)
 Tell backup-plugin to undo/redo.
void redo (int _objectid)
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void undo ()
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void redo ()
 Signal send to plugins when whole scene is cleared.
void aboutToRestore (int _objectId)
 Backup Plugin tells other Plugins that a restore will happen.
void restored (int _objectId)
 Backup Plugin tells other Plugins that a restore has happened.
void openedFile (int _id)
 Tell the plugins that a file has been opened ( -> Database)
void emptyObjectAdded (int _id)
 Tell the plugins that an empty object has been added.
void pluginsInitialized ()
 Called after all plugins are loaded.
void visibilityChanged (int _id)
 Tell plugins that the visibility of an object has changed.
void objectPropertiesChanged (int _id)
 Tell plugins that object properties such as object names have been changed.
void objectDeleted (int)
 Called after an object has been deleted.

Public Member Functions

 Core ()
 constructor More...
void init ()
 Second initialization stage. More...
 ~Core ()
bool add_sync_host (const QString &_name)
 Synchronise two viewers.

Private Slots

void slotMouseEventIdentify (QMouseEvent *_event)
 Handle Mouse events when in Identifier mode.
void slotMouseEventLight (QMouseEvent *_event)
 Handle Mouse events when in Light mode.
Slots called by the plugins
void slotObjectUpdated (int _identifier, const UpdateType &_type=UPDATE_ALL)
 Called by the plugins if they changed something in the object list (deleted, added, or other property changes) More...
void slotVisibilityChanged (int _id)
 Called when a plugin changes the visibility of an object.
void slotObjectPropertiesChanged (int _id)
 Called by plugins if object properties like names have changed.
void slotObjectSelectionChanged (int _id)
 Called by Plugins if they changed the active object. More...
void slotAddPickMode (const std::string &_mode)
 Add a new picking mode to the examiner_widget_.
void slotAddHiddenPickMode (const std::string &_mode)
 Add a new and invisible picking mode to the examiner_widget_.
void slotAddTexture (QString _textureName, QString _filename, uint _dimension, int _id)
 Called by a plugin if it creates a texture. More...
void slotAddTexture (QString _textureName, QString _filename, uint _dimension)
 Called by a plugin if it creates a texture. More...
void slotMultiTextureAdded (QString _textureGroup, QString _name, QString _filename, int _id, int &_textureId)
 Called by a plugin if it creates a multitexture.
void slotMultiTextureAdded (QString _textureGroup, QString _name, QString _filename, int _id, int *_textureId)
 Called by the plugins if they changed something in the object list (deleted, added, or other property changes) More...
void slotUpdateTexture (QString _name, int _identifier)
 Tell the plugins to update the given texture. More...
void slotUpdateAllTextures ()
 Update all textures in the plugins. More...
void slotTextureUpdated (QString _textureName, int _identifier)
 A Texture has been updated. More...
void slotSetTextureMode (QString _textureName, QString _mode, int _id)
 A texture mode should be changed. More...
void slotSetTextureMode (QString _textureName, QString _mode)
 A texture mode should be changed. More...
void slotSwitchTexture (QString _textureName, int _id)
 Tells Plugins to switch to the given Texture. More...
void slotSwitchTexture (QString _textureName)
 Tells Plugins to switch to the given Texture. More...
void slotTextureChangeImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image)
 Called by plugins if texture image should be changed. More...
void slotTextureChangeImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image, int _id)
 Called by plugins if texture image should be changed. More...
void slotTextureGetImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image)
 Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched. More...
void slotTextureGetImage (QString _textureName, QImage &_image, int _id)
 Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched. More...
void slotTextureIndex (QString _textureName, int _id, int &_index)
 Called by plugins if texture index should be fetched. More...
void slotTextureIndexPropertyName (int _id, QString &_propertyName)
 Called by plugins if texture index property name should be fetched. More...
void slotTextureName (int _id, int _textureIndex, QString &_textureName)
 Called by plugins if texture name should be fetched. More...
void slotTextureFilename (int _id, QString _textureName, QString &_textureFilename)
 Called by plugins if texture name should be fetched. More...
void slotGetCurrentTexture (int _id, QString &_textureName)
 Called by plugins if current texture should be retrieved. More...
void slotGetSubTextures (int _id, QString _multiTextureName, QStringList &_subTextures)
 Called by plugins if a multi-texture's sub textures should be fetched. More...
void slotLoad (QString _filename, DataType _type, int &_id)
 A plugin wants to load a given file. More...
void slotLoad (QStringList _filenames, IdList _pluginIDs)
 the load widget wants to load a given file More...
void slotFileOpened (int _id)
 Called when a file has been opened. More...
void slotEmptyObjectAdded (int _id)
 Called when an empty object has been Added. More...
void slotAddSelectionEnvironment (QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, QString &_handleName)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a new selection type button should be added to the toolbar.
void slotRegisterType (QString _handleName, DataType _type)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a data type is added for a specific selection type.
void slotAddPrimitiveType (QString _handleName, QString _name, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType &_typeHandle)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a new, non-standard primitive type should be handled.
void slotAddCustomSelectionMode (QString _handleName, QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes, QString &_customIdentifier)
 SelectionInterface: Add new selection mode for specified type. More...
void slotAddCustomSelectionMode (QString _handleName, QString _modeName, QString _description, QString _icon, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes, QString &_customIdentifier, DataType _objectTypeRestriction)
 SelectionInterface: Add new selection mode for specified type. More...
void slotAddSelectionOperations (QString _handleName, QStringList _operationsList, QString _category, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _type)
 SelectionInterface: Called in order to add non-interactive operations for a specific primitive type.
void slotSelectionOperation (QString _operation)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a non-interactive operation has been performed.
void slotShowToggleSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide toggle selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide lasso selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowVolumeLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide volume lasso selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowSurfaceLassoSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide surface lasso selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowSphereSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide sphere selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowClosestBoundarySelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide closest boundary selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowFloodFillSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide flood fill selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotShowComponentsSelectionMode (QString _handleName, bool _show, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _associatedTypes)
 SelectionInterface: Provide connected components selection operation for specific selection mode.
void slotToggleSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when toggle selection operation has been performed.
void slotLassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when lasso selection operation has been performed.
void slotVolumeLassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when volume lasso selection operation has been performed.
void slotSurfaceLassoSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when surface lasso selection operation has been performed.
void slotSphereSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, double _radius, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when sphere selection operation has been performed.
void slotClosestBoundarySelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when closest boundary selection operation has been performed.
void slotFloodFillSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, double _maxAngle, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when flood fill selection operation has been performed.
void slotComponentsSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when connected components selection operation has been performed.
void slotCustomSelection (QMouseEvent *_event, SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType _currentType, QString _customIdentifier, bool _deselect)
 SelectionInterface: Called when custom selection operation has been performed.
void slotGetActiveDataTypes (SelectionInterface::TypeList &_types)
 SelectionInterface: Called when active (selected) data types should be fetched.
void slotGetActivePrimitiveType (SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType &_type)
 SelectionInterface: Called when active primitive type should be fetched.
void slotTargetObjectsOnly (bool &_targetsOnly)
 SelectionInterface: Called when target restriction state should be fetched.
void slotLoadSelection (const INIFile &_file)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a selection should be loaded from a file.
void slotSaveSelection (INIFile &_file)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a selection should be stored into a file.
void slotRegisterKeyShortcut (int _key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a key shortcut is to be registered.
void slotKeyShortcutEvent (int _key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers)
 SelectionInterface: Called when a key event occurred.
void slotGetAllFilters (QStringList &_list)
 Called when a plugin requests a list of file-filters. More...
void slotDeleteAllObjects ()
 Called when a plugin wants to delete all objects.
void slotCrossPluginConnect (QString _pluginName1, const char *_signal, QString _pluginName2, const char *_slot)
 Called to create inter plugin connections.
void slotSetRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString _rendererName)
 called to switch the renderer for a specific viewer
void slotGetCurrentRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString &_rendererName)
 called to get the currently active renderer renderer for a specific viewer
RPC ( Remote procedure Call) support
void slotPluginExists (QString _pluginName, bool &_exists)
 Check if a plugin exists. More...
void slotFunctionExists (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_exists)
 Check if a function exists. More...
void slotCall (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_success)
void slotCall (QString _expression, bool &_success)
void slotGetValue (QString _expression, QVariant &_result)
Object Manager
void newObject (int _objectId)
 This slot is called by the object manager when a new object is created.
void deletedObject (int _objectId)
 This slot is called by the object manager when an object is deleted. More...

Private Member Functions

bool checkOpenGLCapabilities ()
 OpenGL capability check. More...
bool checkLibraryVersions ()
 Checks for library inconsistencies. More...
void hookUpEventFilter (QWidget *widget)
Signal and Slot processing for Plugins
bool checkSlot (QObject *_plugin, const char *_slotSignature)
 Check if a plugin has a slot.
bool checkSignal (QObject *_plugin, const char *_signalSignature)
 Check if a plugin has a signal.

Private Attributes

int nextBackupId_
 Id for the next backup.
int nextBackupGroupId_
 Id for the next backup group.
std::vector< PluginLogger * > loggers_
 Logger interfaces between plugins and core logger.
std::vector< dataTypessupportedDataTypes_
 Pointer to the data rootNode;.
 The main applications widget ( only created in gui mode )
QSplashScreen * splash_
 SplashScreen, only used in gui mode.
QString splashMessage_
 Last Splash message;.
QVector< ViewMode * > viewModes_
 List of available draw modes.
QTimer * redrawTimer_
 If enabled, this timer will block screen refresh if done more then 30 times per second.
SpinBoxEventFilter spinBoxEventFilter_
 Scenegraphs root node.
 Seperator node for global nodes.
 Separator Node holding all core scenegraph nodes.
 Toplevel Nodes for data objects.
 Root Node for data objects.
 Node for coordsys Material.
 Node for the coordinate system.

Basic functions

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, bool > > commandLineFileNames_
 Vector storing filenames from commandline to be opened after application startup (objects)
std::vector< std::string > commandLineScriptNames_
 Vector storing filenames from commandline to be opened after application startup (script files)
void commandLineOpen (const char *_filename, bool _asPolyMesh)
 Load an object from the commandline on application start. More...
void commandLineScript (const char *_filename)
 Load a script from the commandline on application start. More...
int addEmptyObject (DataType _type)
int loadObject (DataType _type, QString _filename)
 Load object of the given Type with given filename. More...
void loadObjectFinished (QString _filename)
 Vector storing filenames from commandline to be opened after application startup (objects)
void resetScenegraph (bool _resetTrackBall)
void slotExecuteAfterStartup ()
 Executed after loading core completly to load files from commandline. More...
int loadObject (QString _filename)
 Load a new Object ( this may also be an ini or ofs file ) More...

Video Stream creation

QTimer videoTimer_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
QTime lastVideoTime_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
int captureType_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
bool capture_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
int lastWidth_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
int lastHeight_
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
void viewUpdated ()
 Slot called everytime the view is updated.
void captureVideo ()
 Function called for every frame when capturing video.
void startVideoCapture (QString _baseName, int _fps, bool _captureViewers)
 Start video capturing.
void stopVideoCapture ()
 Stop video capturing.

Basic slots

void slotMouseEvent (QMouseEvent *_event)
 Gets called by examiner widget when mouse is moved in picking mode.
void slotWheelEvent (QWheelEvent *_event, const std::string &_mode)
 Gets called by examiner widget when Wheel is moved in picking mode.
void slotAddEmptyObjectMenu ()
 Open the add Empty dialog. More...
void slotAddEmptyObject (DataType _type, int &_id)
 Slot adding empty object of a given type.
void slotAddEmptyObject (DataType _type, int *_id)
 Gets called by examiner widget when mouse is moved in picking mode.
void slotCopyObject (int _oldId, int &_newId)
 Slot copying an object. More...
void slotExit ()
 Exit Application.
void slotRecentOpen (QAction *_action)
 Open Recent file.
void slotGenerateBackup (int _id, QString _name, UpdateType _type)
 Slot for generating type specific backups.
void addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget)
 Add a Toolbox from a plugin or from scripting.
void addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon)
 Add a Toolbox from a plugin or from scripting (with icon)
void addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon, QWidget *_headerAreaWidget)
 Add a Toolbox from a plugin or from scripting (with icon)
QWidget * getToolbox (QString _pluginName, QString _toolboxName)
void activateToolbox (QString _pluginName, QString _toolboxName, bool activate)
 Gets called by examiner widget when mouse is moved in picking mode.

IniFile and Options Handling

void saveOptions ()
 Save the current options to the standard ini file.
void applyOptions ()
 after ini-files have been loaded and core is up or if options have been changed -> apply Options
void openIniFile (QString _filename, bool _coreSettings, bool _perPluginSettings, bool _loadObjects)
 Load information from an ini file. More...
void setupOptions ()
 Get all ini files and set basic paths and options.
void readGUIOptions (INIFile &_ini)
 Read Options that needs the GUI to be set up completely.
void readApplicationOptions (INIFile &_ini)
 Get and set Application options from ini file. More...
void writeApplicationOptions (INIFile &_ini)
 Write Application options to ini file. More...
void restoreKeyBindings ()
 Restore key assignments from configs files. More...
void writeIniFile (QString _filename, bool _relativePaths, bool _targetOnly, bool _saveSystemSettings, bool _savePluginSettings, bool _saveObjectInfo, std::map< int, QString > &_fileMapping)
 Write current status to ini file (Application and File Options) More...
void writeObjFile (QString _filename, bool _relativePaths, bool _targetOnly, std::map< int, QString > &_fileMapping)
 Write current status to obj file (Application and File Options) More...
void writeOnExit ()
 Called if app is closed and writes all information to ini file.


QTextStream * logStream_
 stream for logging to file
QFile * logFile_
void scriptLogFunction (QString _output)
 stream for logging to file
void slotLog (Logtype _type, QString _message)
 Console logger. More...
void slotLogToFile (Logtype _type, QString _message)
 log to file
void log (Logtype _type, QString _message)
 Logg with OUT,WARN or ERR as type.
void log (QString _message)
 Default logging as OUT.
void scriptLog (QString _message)
 Logging signal for ScriptEngine.
void externalLog (Logtype _type, QString _message)
 This signal is emitted to send log data to a plugin.

Plugin Management

std::vector< PluginInfoplugins_
 List of all loaded plugins_.
int toolboxindex_
 Index of Plugins toolbox widget.
const std::vector< PluginInfoplugins () const
 List of all loaded plugins_.
void slotShowPlugins ()
 Show Plugins Dialog. More...
void loadPlugin (const QString &_filename, const bool _silent, QString &_licenseErrors, QObject *_plugin=0)
 Function for loading Plugins. More...
void slotLoadPlugin ()
 Load Plugins from menu. More...
void slotBlockPlugin (const QString &_rpcName)
 Function for Blocking Plugins. Blocked plugins will unloaded and not loaded wthin the next starts.
void slotUnBlockPlugin (const QString &_rpcName)
 Function for UnBlocking Plugins. Plugins will not loaded automatically.
void loadPlugins ()
 Load all plugins from default plugin directory and from INI-File. More...

Metadata support

void slotMetadataDeserialized (const QVector< QPair< QString, QString > > &data)
void genericMetadataDeserialized (QString key, QString value)
void objectMetadataDeserialized (QString object_name, QString value)

Scripting support

QScriptEngine scriptEngine_
 Core scripting engine.
std::vector< ScriptingWrapper * > scriptingWrappers_
 Wrappers for plugin scripting.
QStringList scriptingFunctions_
 List of all registered scripting functions.
prototypeVec3d vec3dPrototype_
 Prototype for the Vector type.
prototypeVec4d vec4dPrototype_
 Prototype for the Vector type.
prototypeDataType DataTypePrototype_
 Prototype for the DataType.
prototypeMatrix4x4 matrix4x4Prototype_
 Prototype for the Matrix type.
QList< SlotInfocoreSlots_
 Core scripting engine.
QList< SlotInfoglobalFunctions_
 Core scripting engine.
void slotScriptInfo (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName)
 Core scripting engine.
void slotExecuteScript (QString _script)
void slotExecuteFileScript (QString _filename)
void slotGetScriptingEngine (QScriptEngine *&_engine)
 Core scripting engine.
void slotGetAllAvailableFunctions (QStringList &_functions)
 Core scripting engine.
void slotSetSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions)
 set a description for one of the plugin's public slots More...
void slotSetSlotDescriptionGlobalFunction (QString _functionName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions)
 set a description for a global scripting function More...
void slotGetDescription (QString _function, QString &_fnDescription, QStringList &_parameters, QStringList &_descriptions)
 get available descriptions for a given public slot More...
void slotScriptError (const QScriptValue &error)
 Core scripting engine.
void scriptInfo (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName)
 Core scripting engine.
void executeScript (QString _script)
 Core scripting engine.
void executeFileScript (QString _filename)
 Core scripting engine.
void setSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions)
 Core scripting engine.
void createWidget (QString _objectName, QString _uiFilename, bool _show=true)
 Create an script object from a ui file. More...
void setViewMode (QString _viewMode)
 Set the active ViewMode.
QString getCurrentViewMode ()
 Get current view mode.
void setViewModeIcon (QString _mode, QString _iconName)
 Set the icon of a viewMode.
void moveToolBoxToTop (QString _name)
 Move selected toolbox to top of side area.
void moveToolBoxToBottom (QString _name)
 Move selected toolbox to bottom of side area.
void showReducedMenuBar (bool reduced)
 Core scripting engine.
void setDescriptions ()
 set the descriptions for scriptable slots of the core

Scenegraph redraw handling

QTimer * scenegraphCheckTimer_
 Timer that starts scenegraph check.
QTime * redrawTime_
 Holds the time since last redraw.
void checkScenegraphDirty ()
 Called to check if the scenegraph needs to be redrawn. More...

Process Interface and Controls

QList< JobInfocurrentJobs
 A job has been started by a plugin.
 A job has been started by a plugin.
void slotStartJob (QString _jobId, QString _description, int _min, int _max, bool _blocking)
 A job has been started by a plugin.
void slotSetJobState (QString _jobId, int _value)
 A job state has been updated by a plugin.
void slotSetJobName (QString _jobId, QString _name)
 A job's widget caption has been updated by a plugin.
void slotSetJobDescription (QString _jobId, QString _text)
 A job's widget's status text has been updated by a plugin.
void slotCancelJob (QString _jobId)
 A job state has been canceled by a plugin.
void slotFinishJob (QString _jobId)
 A job state has been finished by a plugin.
void slotJobCancelRequested (QString _jobId)
 Called by dialogs if cancel button is pressed.
void jobCanceled (QString _jobId)
 A job has been started by a plugin.
bool getJob (QString _jobId, int &_index)
 Find a job in the jobslist.

Detailed Description

Core Widget of the Application

Definition at line 139 of file Core.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Core::Core ( )


Constuctor for the Core Widget ( This is stage 1 , call init for stage 2)

Initialization is working the following way:

  • Setup basic paths
  • Get Options from Option files ( While skipping the OpenFiles Sections as Core is not running )
  • Jump back ( Stage two is done by calling init from main ) so CALL init!!
  • This Two stage system allows using commandline options which override Option Files

Definition at line 110 of file

Member Function Documentation

int Core::addEmptyObject ( DataType  _type)

Add an empty Object of the given Type

id of the new object or -1 if unsupported

Definition at line 470 of file

void Core::addViewModeContextMenus ( QString  _modeName,
QString  _contextMenuList 

Scripting function to set context menus in a view mode.

_modeNameName of the View Mode
_contextMenuList; separated list of context menus in the view mode

Definition at line 208 of file

void Core::addViewModeIcon ( QString  _modeName,
QString  _iconName 

Scripting function to set an icon for a view mode.

_modeNameName of the View Mode
_iconNameName of the Icon File. Will be taken from OpenFlippers Icon directory

Definition at line 214 of file

void Core::addViewModeToolbars ( QString  _modeName,
QString  _toolbarList 

Scripting function to set toolbars in a view mode.

_modeNameName of the View Mode
_toolbarList; separated list of toolbars in the view mode

Definition at line 200 of file

void Core::addViewModeToolboxes ( QString  _modeName,
QString  _toolboxList 

Scripting function to set toolboxes in a view mode.

_modeNameName of the View Mode
_toolboxList; separated list of toolboxes in the view mode

Definition at line 192 of file

bool Core::checkLibraryVersions ( )

Checks for library inconsistencies.

Checks if the used libraries are consistent

Definition at line 1855 of file

bool Core::checkOpenGLCapabilities ( )

OpenGL capability check.

Checks if the OpenGL Capabilities of the graphics card are sufficient and prints an error message if not.

Definition at line 1918 of file

void Core::checkScenegraphDirty ( )

Called to check if the scenegraph needs to be redrawn.

Check if scenegraph is dirty and initiate redraw

Definition at line 955 of file

void Core::clearAllComments ( int  objId)

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 1815 of file

void Core::clearObjectComment ( int  objId,
QString  key 

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 1802 of file

void Core::commandLineOpen ( const char *  _filename,
bool  _asPolyMesh 

Load an object from the commandline on application start.

This function is called before the event queue is executed. The filename and parameters are stored. After the event queue is started, all files in this list will be opened. This is necessary as the event queue has to run to schedule the events emitted during open operations.

_filenamefilename of the file to be opened. If it does not contain a full path, the current path will be prepended.
_asPolyMeshLoad as a polymesh ( yes/no)

Definition at line 104 of file

void Core::commandLineScript ( const char *  _filename)

Load a script from the commandline on application start.

This function is called before the event queue is executed. The filename is stored. After the event queue is started, all files in this list will be opened. This is necessary as the event queue has to run to schedule the events emitted during open operations.

_filenamefilename of the script to be opened. If it does not contain a full path, the current path will be prepended.

Definition at line 119 of file

void Core::createWidget ( QString  _objectName,
QString  _uiFilename,
bool  _show = true 

Create an script object from a ui file.

This function will load an ui file, set up a qwidget from that and makes it available under _objectName for scripting.

_objectNameThe name in scripting environment used for the new object
_uiFilenameui file to load

Definition at line 94 of file

void Core::deletedObject ( int  _objectId)

This slot is called by the object manager when an object is deleted.

This slot is called by the object manager when a object is deleted.

Definition at line 429 of file

void Core::deserializeMaterialProperties ( int  _objId,
QString  _props 

Serialize material properties.

_objIdId of the object where the material should be deserialized into
_propsA QString containing the serialized material

Definition at line 1750 of file

void Core::exitFailure ( )

Aborts the application with an error code.

Use this function in unit tests, if you detected a failure. Therefore the test functions will recognize that something went wrong.

Definition at line 1208 of file

QWidget * Core::getToolbox ( QString  _pluginName,
QString  _toolboxName 

Get a toolbox.

_pluginNameThe plugin which the requested toolbox belongs to.
_toolboxNameThe name of the requested toolbox.
A pointer to the requested toolbox widget if it was found, nullptr, otherwise.

Definition at line 233 of file

void Core::init ( void  )

Second initialization stage.

This Stage does the following :

  • Create the Core GUI Elements (Examiner, Toolbox,...)
  • Create the MenuBar
  • load the Plugins
  • connect the Mouse slots
  • Load all ini files (This includes the Global Option files)

Skip all signals for function calls

Definition at line 193 of file

int Core::loadObject ( QString  _filename)

Load a new Object ( this may also be an ini or ofs file )

This function tries to get the type of data to be loaded from the filename and then load the file.

_filenameFilename of the data
id of object otherwise -1
Check if this function is ok. It should check all plugins for the given files and do not depend on Triangle meshes only! Rewrite function to get the plugin only and then open the file. So iterate over all plugins and find the matching ones. open it with this plugin.

Definition at line 241 of file

int Core::loadObject ( DataType  _type,
QString  _filename 

Load object of the given Type with given filename.

Function for loading a given file.

This function should not be used anymore.
The extension is now used to check for the plugin handling the given types.

id of the new object or -1 if unsupported
this function has to be checked. test for the plugin which can handle the given file and then use it.

Definition at line 344 of file

void Core::loadObject ( )

Open Load Widget.

Open Load-Object Widget.

Definition at line 876 of file

void Core::loadPlugin ( const QString &  _filename,
const bool  _silent,
QString &  _licenseErrors,
QObject *  _plugin = 0 

Function for loading Plugins.

Load a Plugin with given filename.

_filenamecomplete path + filename of the plugin
_silentif 'true': user isn't asked what to do if a plugin is already loaded
_licenseErrorsString will be epty when no license issues occured, otherwise it contains the required information for obtaining a license
_pluginYou can provide a preloaded plugin here. If this is 0 the filename will be used to load the plugin.

Skip all signals for function calls

Definition at line 708 of file

void Core::loadPlugins ( )

Load all plugins from default plugin directory and from INI-File.

Load plugins from dir Plugins. The plugin information gets stored, toolbox and menu entries are created and the required signals and slots are connected.

Definition at line 272 of file

void Core::loadSettings ( )

Load status from file.

Load settings from file.

Definition at line 899 of file

void Core::loadSettings ( QString  _filename)

Load status from file.

Load settings from file.

Definition at line 980 of file

void Core::openIniFile ( QString  _filename,
bool  _coreSettings,
bool  _perPluginSettings,
bool  _loadObjects 

Load information from an ini file.

This function will open an ini file and load the information in it.

_filenameName of the ini file
_coreSettingsLoad core settings from the file
_perPluginSettingsLoad per plugin settings from the file
_loadObjectsLoad objects defined in the ini file

Definition at line 406 of file

void Core::readApplicationOptions ( INIFile _ini)

Get and set Application options from ini file.

Load the standard options from the given Ini File

_iniInifile to use

Definition at line 78 of file

void Core::resetScenegraph ( bool  _resetTrackBall)

Do a reset of the scenegraph (bounding box update,...)

_resetTrackBallShould the rotation center of the trackball be reset to the scene center?

Definition at line 68 of file

void Core::restoreKeyBindings ( )

Restore key assignments from configs files.

restore key Assignments that were saved in config files

Definition at line 228 of file

void Core::saveAllObjects ( )

Slot for saving objects from Menu.

Save changes for all target objects (slot is called from CoreWidget's File-Menu)

Definition at line 272 of file

void Core::saveAllObjectsTo ( )

Slot for saving objects to a new location.

Save all target objects under new name (slot is called from CoreWidget's File-Menu)

Definition at line 298 of file

bool Core::saveObject ( int  _id,
QString  _filename 

Save an object.

Save object with given id

_idid of the object

Get object with given id, find a plugin to save dataType, save

Existing files will be overwritten
_idId of the object that should be saved
_filenameFilename to save to

Definition at line 71 of file

void Core::saveObject ( int  _id,
QString  _filename,
int  _pluginID 

Save an object get object with given id, find a plugin to save dataType, save! (existing files will be overwritten)

Definition at line 130 of file

void Core::saveObjects ( IdList  _ids,
QString  _filename,
int  _pluginID 

Save multiple objects to one file get object with given id, find a plugin to save dataType, save! (existing files will be overwritten)

Definition at line 171 of file

bool Core::saveObjectsTo ( IdList  _ids,
QString  _filename 

Save multiple objects to a new location Show the save-widget to determine a filename, the widget calls slotSave to save the objects

Definition at line 245 of file

bool Core::saveObjectTo ( int  _id,
QString  _filename 

Show dialog for saving an object to a new location

_idid of the object
_filenamecurrent filename of the object

Save an object to a new location Show the save-widget to determine a filename, the widget calls slotSave to save the object

Definition at line 217 of file

void Core::saveSettings ( )

Save current status to a settings file. Solicit file name through dialog.

Save Settings (slot is called from CoreWidget's File-Menu)

Definition at line 56 of file

QString Core::serializeMaterialProperties ( int  _objId)

Serialize material properties.

_objIdId of the object where the material should be serialized
A Qstring containing the serialized material

Definition at line 1769 of file

void Core::setObjectComment ( int  objId,
QString  key,
QString  comment 

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 1789 of file

void Core::setToolBoxActive ( QString  _toolBoxName,
bool  _active 

Scripting function to activate or deactivate a toolbox.

_toolBoxNameName of the toolbox to manipulate
_activeActivate or deactivate

Definition at line 306 of file

void Core::setToolBoxSide ( QString  _side)

Scripting function to set the side of the main window on which the toolbox should be displayed.

_sideThe desired side (either "left" or "right")

Definition at line 220 of file

void Core::setView ( QString  view)

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 323 of file

void Core::setViewAndWindowGeometry ( QString  view)

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 327 of file

void Core::slotAddCustomSelectionMode ( QString  _handleName,
QString  _modeName,
QString  _description,
QString  _icon,
SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType  _associatedTypes,
QString &  _customIdentifier 

SelectionInterface: Add new selection mode for specified type.

_handleNameHandle of the selection mode
_modeNameUser visible name of the selection mode
_descriptionDescription of the mode
_iconIcon displayed in the selection toolbar
_associatedTypesprimitive types supported by this mode
_customIdentifierIdentifier of this mode

Definition at line 79 of file

void Core::slotAddCustomSelectionMode ( QString  _handleName,
QString  _modeName,
QString  _description,
QString  _icon,
SelectionInterface::PrimitiveType  _associatedTypes,
QString &  _customIdentifier,
DataType  _objectTypeRestriction 

SelectionInterface: Add new selection mode for specified type.

_handleNameHandle of the selection mode
_modeNameUser visible name of the selection mode
_descriptionDescription of the mode
_iconIcon displayed in the selection toolbar
_associatedTypesprimitive types supported by this mode
_customIdentifierIdentifier of this mode
_objectTypeRestrictionObject types supported by this mode

Definition at line 84 of file

void Core::slotAddEmptyObjectMenu ( )

Open the add Empty dialog.

Opens AddEmpty-Object widget.

This slot shows the addEmpty dialog which is used to add empty objects of supported dataTypes

Definition at line 792 of file

void Core::slotAddTexture ( QString  _textureName,
QString  _filename,
uint  _dimension,
int  _id 

Called by a plugin if it creates a texture.

Called by a plugin if it created a texture. The information is passed to all plugins. If a texture control plugin is available it has to react on the signal.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 186 of file

void Core::slotAddTexture ( QString  _textureName,
QString  _filename,
uint  _dimension 

Called by a plugin if it creates a texture.

Called by a plugin if it created a texture. The information is passed to all plugins. If a texture control plugin is available it has to react on the signal.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 212 of file

void Core::slotCall ( QString  _pluginName,
QString  _functionName,
bool &  _success 

This slot executes a function of a plugin. If it does not exist, _success will be false

_pluginNamePlugin where the function is implemented
_functionNamename of the function ( Standard name, no parameters allowed!)
_successsuccessfull execution?

Definition at line 100 of file

void Core::slotCall ( QString  _expression,
bool &  _success 

This slot executes the given expression. No checks are performed if the remote function is available.

_expressioncommand to execute
_successsuccessfull execution?

Definition at line 137 of file

void Core::slotCopyObject ( int  _oldId,
int &  _newId 

Slot copying an object.

Slot creating a copy of an existing object.

Definition at line 520 of file

void Core::slotEmptyObjectAdded ( int  _id)

Called when an empty object has been Added.

Slot gets called after a file-plugin has opened an object.

: set a default path for new objects

Definition at line 755 of file

void Core::slotExecuteAfterStartup ( )

Executed after loading core completly to load files from commandline.

This slot is automatically called after application startup. All files from the commandline will be loaded by this slot. This is required as the core and the event queue need to be running to emit the required signals to the plugins.

Definition at line 134 of file

void Core::slotExecuteFileScript ( QString  _filename)

Core slot, executes the given file as a script via scripting plugin

_filenameFilename of the script

Definition at line 78 of file

void Core::slotExecuteScript ( QString  _script)

Core slot, executes the given script text via scripting plugin

_scriptScript as QString

Definition at line 74 of file

void Core::slotFileOpened ( int  _id)

Called when a file has been opened.

Slot gets called after a file-plugin has opened an object.

Definition at line 689 of file

void Core::slotFunctionExists ( QString  _pluginName,
QString  _functionName,
bool &  _exists 

Check if a function exists.

_pluginNameName of the plugin to check
_functionNameName of the function inside the plugin
_existsReturns if the function was found in the plugin

Definition at line 81 of file

void Core::slotGetAllFilters ( QStringList &  _list)

Called when a plugin requests a list of file-filters.

This function collects all available load filters from the file Plugins. It is normally called via the Load/Save interface ( LoadSaveInterface ).

_listReturns a list of all available file load filters
check why the supported Type is used here!

Definition at line 94 of file

void Core::slotGetCurrentTexture ( int  _id,
QString &  _textureName 

Called by plugins if current texture should be retrieved.

Called by plugins if current texture name should be returned

Definition at line 398 of file

void Core::slotGetDescription ( QString  _function,
QString &  _fnDescription,
QStringList &  _parameters,
QStringList &  _descriptions 

get available descriptions for a given public slot

get available Descriptions for a scriptable slot

Definition at line 1325 of file

void Core::slotGetSubTextures ( int  _id,
QString  _multiTextureName,
QStringList &  _subTextures 

Called by plugins if a multi-texture's sub textures should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched

Definition at line 404 of file

void Core::slotGetValue ( QString  _expression,
QVariant &  _result 

This slot executes the given expression and returns the result No checks are performed if the remote function is available. if an error occurs the result contains an invalid QVariant

ex. getValue("databaseplugin.tableExists(\"meshes")", result) ) result.toBool() == true

_expressioncommand to execute
_resultThe return value of the command

Definition at line 152 of file

void Core::slotLoad ( QString  _filename,
DataType  _type,
int &  _id 

A plugin wants to load a given file.

Slot for loading a given file.

Definition at line 678 of file

void Core::slotLoad ( QStringList  _filenames,
IdList  _pluginIDs 

the load widget wants to load a given file

Function for loading multiple files.

Definition at line 561 of file

void Core::slotLoadPlugin ( )

Load Plugins from menu.

slot for loading Plugins

Definition at line 568 of file

void Core::slotLog ( Logtype  _type,
QString  _message 

Console logger.

Slot writing everything to the Logger widget.

This slot has to be called by all loggers. It is used to serialize and color the Output.

_typeLogtype (defines the color of the output)
_messageThe message for output

Definition at line 97 of file

void Core::slotMultiTextureAdded ( QString  _textureGroup,
QString  _name,
QString  _filename,
int  _id,
int *  _textureId 

Called by the plugins if they changed something in the object list (deleted, added, or other property changes)

Handle object updates by plugins.

This function is called by a plugin if it changed something in the object list (source,target, or other properties ). The information is passed to all plugins.

_identifierId of the updated object
_typeWhat part of the object has been updated

Definition at line 252 of file

void Core::slotObjectSelectionChanged ( int  _id)

Called by Plugins if they changed the active object.

This function is called if the active object has changed. The information is passed to all plugins.

Definition at line 162 of file

void Core::slotObjectUpdated ( int  _identifier,
const UpdateType _type = UPDATE_ALL 

Called by the plugins if they changed something in the object list (deleted, added, or other property changes)

Handle object updates by plugins.

This function is called by a plugin if it changed something in the object list (source,target, or other properties ). The information is passed to all plugins.

_identifierId of the updated object
_typeWhat part of the object has been updated

Definition at line 81 of file

void Core::slotPluginExists ( QString  _pluginName,
bool &  _exists 

Check if a plugin exists.

_pluginNameName of the plugin to check
_existsReturns if the function was found in the plugin

Definition at line 69 of file

void Core::slotSetSlotDescription ( QString  _slotName,
QString  _slotDescription,
QStringList  _parameters,
QStringList  _descriptions 

set a description for one of the plugin's public slots

set descriptions for a scriptable slot

Definition at line 1273 of file

void Core::slotSetSlotDescriptionGlobalFunction ( QString  _functionName,
QString  _slotDescription,
QStringList  _parameters,
QStringList  _descriptions 

set a description for a global scripting function

set descriptions for a scriptable slot

Definition at line 1312 of file

void Core::slotSetTextureMode ( QString  _textureName,
QString  _mode,
int  _id 

A texture mode should be changed.

Called by a plugin if the parameters of a texture should be changed. The information is passed to all plugins. A Texturecontrol plugin should react on this event.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 289 of file

void Core::slotSetTextureMode ( QString  _textureName,
QString  _mode 

A texture mode should be changed.

Called by a plugin if the parameters of a texture should be changed. The information is passed to all plugins. A Texturecontrol plugin should react on this event.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 306 of file

void Core::slotShowPlugins ( )

Show Plugins Dialog.

slot for showing loaded Plugins

Definition at line 653 of file

void Core::slotSwitchTexture ( QString  _textureName,
int  _id 

Tells Plugins to switch to the given Texture.

Called by plugins if texture mode should be switched

Definition at line 337 of file

void Core::slotSwitchTexture ( QString  _textureName)

Tells Plugins to switch to the given Texture.

Called by plugins if texture mode should be switched

Definition at line 343 of file

void Core::slotTextureChangeImage ( QString  _textureName,
QImage &  _image 

Called by plugins if texture image should be changed.

Called by plugins if texture image should be changed

Definition at line 350 of file

void Core::slotTextureChangeImage ( QString  _textureName,
QImage &  _image,
int  _id 

Called by plugins if texture image should be changed.

Called by plugins if texture image should be changed

Definition at line 356 of file

void Core::slotTextureFilename ( int  _id,
QString  _textureName,
QString &  _textureFilename 

Called by plugins if texture name should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture filename should be fetched

Definition at line 392 of file

void Core::slotTextureGetImage ( QString  _textureName,
QImage &  _image 

Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched

Definition at line 362 of file

void Core::slotTextureGetImage ( QString  _textureName,
QImage &  _image,
int  _id 

Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture image should be fetched

Definition at line 368 of file

void Core::slotTextureIndex ( QString  _textureName,
int  _id,
int &  _index 

Called by plugins if texture index should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture index should be fetched

Definition at line 374 of file

void Core::slotTextureIndexPropertyName ( int  _id,
QString &  _propertyName 

Called by plugins if texture index property name should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture index property name should be fetched

Definition at line 380 of file

void Core::slotTextureName ( int  _id,
int  _textureIndex,
QString &  _textureName 

Called by plugins if texture name should be fetched.

Called by plugins if texture name should be fetched

Definition at line 386 of file

void Core::slotTextureUpdated ( QString  _textureName,
int  _identifier 

A Texture has been updated.

Called by a plugin if it updated a texture. The information is passed to all plugins. If a texture control plugin is available it has to react on the signal and update the visualization of the texture.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 323 of file

void Core::slotUpdateAllTextures ( )

Update all textures in the plugins.

Called by a plugin if all textures should be updated. The information is passed to all plugins. All plugins providing textures should react on this event.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 282 of file

void Core::slotUpdateTexture ( QString  _name,
int  _identifier 

Tell the plugins to update the given texture.

Called by a plugin if a texture has to be updated. The information is passed to all plugins. The Plugin providing the given Texture should react on this event.
See in the documentation of the texture plugin interfaces for further detail.

Definition at line 238 of file

void Core::snapshot ( unsigned int  _viewerId = 0,
int  _width = 0,
int  _height = 0,
bool  _alpha = false,
bool  _hideCoordsys = false,
int  _numSamples = 1 

Trigger a snapshot and increase the snapshot counter. Save snapshot to file determined by snapshotBaseFileName() and the current snapshot counter. The back buffer will be saved. The id of the current viewer is 0 (default).

Definition at line 1434 of file

void Core::snapshotBaseFileName ( QString  _fname,
unsigned int  _viewerId = 0 

set the baseFilename for snapshots (a counter is automatically increased when snapshot() is called)

Definition at line 1394 of file

void Core::updateView ( )

Called when a plugin requests an update in the viewer.

Update the view in the examiner widget

Definition at line 887 of file

void Core::writeApplicationOptions ( INIFile _ini)

Write Application options to ini file.

Write the standard options to the given Ini File

_iniInifile to use

Definition at line 291 of file

void Core::writeIniFile ( QString  _filename,
bool  _relativePaths,
bool  _targetOnly,
bool  _saveSystemSettings,
bool  _savePluginSettings,
bool  _saveObjectInfo,
std::map< int, QString > &  _fileMapping 

Write current status to ini file (Application and File Options)

Writes the complete status to an ini file ( All open objects and their Information )

_filenameFilename of the ini file to write with full path
_relativePathsThis defines if the paths to the objects should be made relative
_targetOnlySelect if we want all open objects or only the ones which are selected as target.
_saveSystemSettingsChoose if you also want to save system settings into the ini file.
_savePluginSettingsChoose if you want to save per Plugin global settings into the ini file.
_saveObjectInfoIf you want to store information about all open objects this has to be true
_fileMappingIf multiple files have the same name, all duplicates get renamed. Mapping: Id -> new file name.

Definition at line 546 of file

void Core::writeObjFile ( QString  _filename,
bool  _relativePaths,
bool  _targetOnly,
std::map< int, QString > &  _fileMapping 

Write current status to obj file (Application and File Options)

Writes the complete status to an obj file ( All open objects and their Information )

After obj writing to one file is implemented in obj plugin, remove this Function and the whole File!

Definition at line 71 of file

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