Developer Documentation
INIFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for INIFile, including all inherited members.

add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const QString &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const char *_value)INIFileinline
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const double &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const float &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const int &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const unsigned int &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const bool &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< float > &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< double > &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< bool > &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< int > &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< QString > &_value)INIFile
add_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const QStringList &_value)INIFile
add_entryVec(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const VectorT &_value)INIFile
add_entryVec(const QString &_section, const QString &_key, const std::vector< VectorT > &_value)INIFile
add_section(const QString &_sectionname)INIFile
connect(const QString &name, const bool create)INIFile
delete_entry(const QString &_section, const QString &_key)INIFile
delete_section(const QString &_sectionname)INIFile
entry_exists(const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
entry_in_section(const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFileinline
EntryMap typedefINIFileprivate
get_entry(QString &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(double &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(float &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(int &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(unsigned int &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(bool &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(std::vector< float > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(std::vector< double > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(std::vector< bool > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(std::vector< int > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(std::vector< QString > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entry(QStringList &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVecd(VectorT &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVecd(std::vector< VectorT > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVecf(VectorT &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVecf(std::vector< VectorT > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVeci(VectorT &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
get_entryVeci(std::vector< VectorT > &_val, const QString &_section, const QString &_key) constINIFile
is_connected() constINIFileinline
name() constINIFileinline
parseFile(QFile &_inputStream)INIFileprivate
section_exists(const QString &_section) constINIFile
SectionMap typedefINIFileprivate